Clicky U.S. Premium Beef, LLC
U.S. Premium Beef's Qualified Custom Feedlot (QCF) list is designed to assist producers who are looking for a feedlot that has knowledge and experience in finishing cattle for USPB's quality-based system. USPB recognizes these feedlots on the QCF list because they agree to practice the requirements summarized below.
  1. Regular suppliers of finished cattle to USPB and have experience in managing and marketing cattle to our value-based endpoint.
  2. Active USPB members that make their delivery rights available for customer use.
  3. Actively promote USPB to their customer base.
  4. Encourage the use of individual animal electronic identification systems.
  5. Consult veterinary expertise for selection and proper use of animal health products.
  6. Consult the services of a nutritionist for information on feeding cattle for a value-based marketing system.
  7. Manage stress on incoming feeder cattle to ensure optimum cattle feedlot and carcass performance.

P.O. Box 20103
Kansas City, MO 64195
Phone: 866-877-2525 | Fax: 816-713-8810

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