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Sandhill Farms
Sandhill Farms is a Polled Hereford seedstock supplier in central Kansas. They have a production sale each spring, offering yearling bulls and registered cows. The bulls they offer help you take advantage of heterosis, but without leaving any calving ease, performance or carcass traits behind. The ranch has worked for generations to maintain a solid phenotype while continuing to push forward in calving ease, carcass and performance traits. Sandhill combines actual weights, udder scores, ultrasound, carcass data, DNA testing, reference sire testing, and embryo transfer to improve the herd. Nearly all of Sandhill’s herd sires are reference sire tested and all registered animals have genomically enhanced EPDs with higher accuracy values. Using these technologies to gain high accuracies enables them to offer predictable genetics in their sale, as well as identify new, young donor cows and sires. Call Kevin or Tyler Schultz to learn more about how they can help you and your program’s goals.
Name: Kevin Schultz
Phone: 620-998-4072
Cell: 620-546-4570
Fax: 620-995-4071
Email: kevin@sandhillfarms.com
Website: http://www.sandhillfarms.com


2048 280 Ave
Haviland , KS 67059


From Haviland: go 13 miles North, then East for 2 miles on blacktop road, then 1/2 mile South on gravel road. Ranch is located on the East (left) side of the road.

Artificial Insemination
Embryo Transfer
Carcass EPD's on 100.0 %
of all bulls sold
Ultrasound on 100.0%
of all bulls sold
DNA/Gene Marker Testing


Purebred seedstock
Composite or F1 seedstock
Registered breeding females
Commercial breeding females


Lease USPB Shares
Rebates or coupons for
  carcass data



Typical Date 
Actual Date 
Production Sale 4th Saturday in March 03/23/2024at the ranch ...X

P.O. Box 20103
Kansas City, MO 64195
Phone: 866-877-2525 | Fax: 816-713-8810

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