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Mogck & Sons Angus of Olivet
Mogck & Sons Angus has been in the Angus business for more than 75 years. Mogck & Sons is owned and operated by the third generation, Charles Mogck and his family. We have always fed out our own calves and currently try to feed our customers' cattle at different feedlots. Our goal is to help our customers' get more information about their cattle so they can fine tune their operation to make their calves worth more. We believe feeder calf buyers in the future will only spend top dollars if the rancher has proof of how their calves have performed in the feedlot and on the rail. We started selling fed cattle through USPB to get carcass data and we felt their grid was the best for the type of cattle we raise and we wanted to participate in the profits associated with USPB. Nearly 100% of our fed cattle are marketed through USPB. Even with the long distance and transportation cost, our cattle consistently bring more on the USPB grid than our local market options. We hold an annual sale at which we sell both bulls and replacement heifers. Please give us a call to talk more about our genetics and our buy back program.
Name: Charles Mogck
Phone: 605-583-4385
Cell: 605-661-4562
Fax: 605-583-4862
Email: mogckc1@gwtc.net
Website: http://www.mogckandsons.com


42193 282nd St
Olivet , SD 57052


From Olivet, SD: Go 2 miles West, then 4 miles North, then 2 miles West.

Artificial Insemination
Embryo Transfer
Carcass EPD's on 100.0 %
of all bulls sold
Ultrasound on 100.0%
of all bulls sold
Complete AHIR data including EPDs


Purebred seedstock
Registered breeding females
Commercial breeding females


Feeder cattle buyback



Typical Date 
Actual Date 
Annual Production Sale Third Thursday in February 02/15/2024at the ranch ...X
Females- Private Treaty year around at the ranch ...X

P.O. Box 20103
Kansas City, MO 64195
Phone: 866-877-2525 | Fax: 816-713-8810

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