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Ferguson Angus
Established in 1946, Ferguson Angus is a family-owned diversified purebred beef and farming operation committed to producing quality beef genetics. We use ultrasound, Genomic Enhanced EPD's, progeny feedlot and carcass data, artificial insemination and embryo transfer in a comprehensive approach with common sense, to produce quality Registered Angus and Balancer genetics. We have spent more than 40 years fine-tuning our beef factory—our Angus and Balancer mother cows—to blend carcass traits, calving-ease, fertility, weaning weights, udder quality, feedlot gain, temperament, fleshing ability, mothering ability and conformation to produce a quality product. Our cattle are designed to work for our customers as well as the ultimate customer, consumers of beef throughout the world. Ferguson Angus is a founding member of U.S. Premium Beef (USPB). We will help you market or retain ownership of your Ferguson Angus-sired calves with a feedlot that has USPB shares to lease. We provide rebate coupons for use in our sale if you provide us with carcass and feedlot data on your Ferguson Angus-sired calves marketed through U.S. Premium Beef. Give us a call, stop by, e-mail or visit our website to learn more. We look forward to working with you and hope to see you at our next production sale.
Name: Lynn Ferguson
Phone: 785-638-2857
Cell: 785-476-5345
Email: svferg@ruraltel.net
Website: http://www.fergusonangus.com


878 East Santa Fe Road
Agra , KS 67621


7 miles east of Phillipsburg, KS, on Highway 36 to mile marker #156, then 1 mile south and 3/4 mile east. We are located on the south side of the road.

Founding Member

Artificial Insemination
Embryo Transfer
Carcass EPD's on 60.0 %
of all bulls sold
Ultrasound on 100.0%
of all bulls sold
DNA/Gene Marker Testing


Purebred seedstock
Composite or F1 seedstock
Registered breeding females


Lease USPB Shares
Rebates or coupons for
  carcass data


Angus, Gelbvieh, and Balancers

Typical Date 
Actual Date 
Production Sale Fourth Tuesday in March 03/26/2024At the ranch, Agra, KS ...X

P.O. Box 20103
Kansas City, MO 64195
Phone: 866-877-2525 | Fax: 816-713-8810

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