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Oleen Brothers
Established in 1971, Oleen Brothers is a family-owned and operated Horned Hereford and Angus seedstock operation. Since our beginning we have emphasized producing genetics that will work for commercial cow calf producers who want to produce functional replacement females that will stay in the cowherd as well as feeder calves that will perform in the feedlot and the processing plant. We’ve used artificial insemination since 1985 and finished cattle since 1987 to design and confirm the kind of consistent superior performance our genetics provide. Today, our selection of Horned Hereford and Angus genetics offer our customers an opportunity to realize the benefits of maternal heterosis while producing calves that will perform on U.S. Premium Beef’s (USPB) quality-based grid. We are founding stockholders of USPB and we will help you market or retain ownership of your calves produced by our genetics with a feedlot that has USPB shares to lease. Call us or stop by anytime to visit about how we can put Oleen Brothers genetics to work in your cowherd.
CONTACT:Name: Jan R. Oleen
785-482-3229 Cell:
785-466-1421 Fax: 785-482-3502
jjoleen@tctelco.net Website:
Dwight , KS 66849
DIRECTIONS:3/4 mile south of Dwight, KS, on Kansas Highway 4.
Artificial Insemination
Purebred seedstock
Composite or F1 seedstock
Registered breeding females
Commercial breeding females
Lease USPB Shares
Feeder cattle buyback
Angus, Horned Hereford, and F1 BWF