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McCurry Bros. Angus
Walter McCurry founded McCurry Brothers Angus in 1928 when he purchased his first Angus females from his brother-in-law, Johnson Workman, of Paradise, Kansas. Mr. Workman purchased his first Angus cattle in 1913 and these two men were true pioneers of the Angus breed in the United States. Over the years our operation has changed but our commitment to providing the best genetics possible to our customers continues. We believe in producing functional, trouble free cattle that excel in the feedyard and on the rail. Our customers have realized some terrific premiums on the U.S. Premium Beef (USPB) grid and McCurry-sired cattle have averaged premiums of more than $40 per head on the USPB grid. We have spared no expense in improving the carcass capabilities of our cattle and believe in using proven carcass genetics in our herd. We also understand there are traits that EPD’s cannot measure and we are determined to keep our herd structurally correct and sound. Eye appeal and good carcass genetics can co-exist. The females at McCurry’s are good uddered, easy keeping cattle that still look good. Our current staff consists of 10 McCurry families who ranch and farm in south central Kansas. Please visit our web site and pay us a visit whenever you are in our area.
Name: Greg McCurry
Phone: 316-667-2311
Cell: 316-772-7856
Fax: 316-661-2147


11811 N. 215 W.
Sedgwick , KS 67135


2 miles north of Mt. Hope, KS, to 117th Street, then 4 miles east to 215th Street and 3/4 mile north.

Artificial Insemination
Embryo Transfer
Carcass EPD's on 100.0 %
of all bulls sold
Ultrasound on 100.0%
of all bulls sold


Purebred seedstock
Registered breeding females


Lease USPB Shares
Feeder cattle buyback
Special feeder cattle sales



Typical Date 
Actual Date 
Private Treaty Bulls & Females Year Around At the ranch ...X
Customer Feeder Calf Sale October/November Farmers & Ranchers Livestock Auction- Salina,KS ...X

P.O. Box 20103
Kansas City, MO 64195
Phone: 866-877-2525 | Fax: 816-713-8810

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