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Downey Ranch, Inc.
Downey Ranch, Inc., (DRI) is a family operation specializing in producing high quality beef and assisting our seedstock customers in doing the same. Since becoming a founding stockholder of U.S. Premium Beef (USPB) in 1997, it has been our only marketing outlet for finished cattle. The data from our home-raised calves is available on our website. You'll see individual slaughter groups tied to individual carcass & financial data. Our calves consistently perform & grade very well.
Since 2003, DRI has been selling 20 month old bulls and bred commercial replacement females through our joint annual production sale with Kniebel Cattle Co. Prior to that, we sold seedstock private treaty. We are very selective with both the cull bulls and females being fed out and processed through USPB. When you're averaging $1175+ per head out of the feedlot, you have to deserve to stay in the seedstock pen!
DRI is unique in that we offer our customers the opportunity to reap financial rewards by feeding anywhere from 5-500 head while returning individual feeding and carcass data. USPB delivery rights are also available. Visit the website or call for more information!
CONTACT:Name: Joe Carpenter
785-456-8160 Cell:
785-556-8160 Fax: 785-456-8186
downeyranch@wamego.net Website:
ADDRESS:38703 Wabaunsee Rd.
Wamego , KS 66547
DIRECTIONS:K-18 east of Manhattan, KS, or west of K-99 to mile marker 204-Wabaunsee Road. Go south 1/4 mile, the headquarters are on the east side of the road.
Artificial Insemination
Embryo Transfer
Carcass EPD's on 100.0 %
of all bulls sold
Ultrasound on 100.0%
of all bulls sold
Purebred seedstock
Registered breeding females
Commercial breeding females
Lease USPB Shares
Feeder cattle buyback
Rebates or coupons for
carcass data